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Spring Box Reviewers: The Results

Our Spring Box Reviewers switched out their routines with the Spring Box for five weeks. Reviewers received the Spring Box for free, did not receive compensation for their reviews, and were not directed to review the Box in any particular way.

What were their results?


"My skin is brighter, dewier, and more plump. I only wore makeup a few times since I started my Spring Box regimen because I didn’t want to cover up the glow all these products gave me." - Marissa.

Read all of Marissa's reviews here.


"Through this five weeks, my skin has undergone quite a bit of transformation. What started out as being oily, clogged and heavy with dark spots is now more refined (pores are smaller!), dark spots have lessened in tone, less oily, and when I compare my current pictures with the ones I have taken before I tried using the Spring Box products, my skin does catch the light better and looks luminous, even when the phone has no filter on!" - Carol.

Read all of Carol's reviews here.

Only available till Sunday April 15. Buy the Spring Box Now


"The biggest takeaway is my overall skin tone. It’s even, without blotches or discolorations and my age spots are lighter." - Cristin

Read all of Cristin's reviews here.


"The dark spot under my eye (an old hot oil burn scar) has evened out in tone immensely and is now not visible in certain lighting conditions!" - Hayne

Read all of Hayne's reviews here.


"More even skin tone, dewier, rosier skin; fading of brown spots/sun damage, & subtle lessening of fine lines. As I adjust the amounts & what I am using, and take notes, it helps me understand the products better. My skin is definitely better hydrated all the time! Not using a separate moisturizer for years, just a combo sunscreen + moisturizer, had some negative effects. Sabbatical Beauty’s oils and creams are erasing years of neglect." - Madeline

Read all of Madeline's Reviews here.

Only available till Sunday April 15. Buy the Spring Box Now