So while helping one of my favorite Sabbatical Beauty customers troubleshoot her routine into achieving that cloudless,chok-chok skin every Korean skincare aficionado is after, I realized a fantastic way to explain to you my new skincare research obsession. This obsession of mine is on themicrobiome: new developments in microbiology that are radically affecting cutting-edge skin care.
Why is understanding the microbiome critical to getting that kbeauty glass skin? Because microbiome research is causing a seismic shift in dermatology. Meaning: what you’re going to be putting your skin in the next five-ten years will be fundamentally changing because of this shift. Or, in other words-- only through your microbiome will you find the way to achieving the ultimatechok chok almost biteable k-pop idol skin!
Now that I’ve sold you on reading at least this far, you’re probably saying: ok fine. So wtf is themicrobiome anyway? The term “microbiome” refers to microorganisms that live in a particular environment. Your gut has a microbiome, and scientists are only starting to understand how critical the gut microbiome is to your overall health. Your skin also has a separate microbiome. And for that matter, so do different parts of your body -- your mouth, nose and even your genitalia! Properly feeding and caring for your microbiome is fundamental not just to good health--but to that glowing skin we all crave!
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s go back to the original skin consultation I was having with one of my favorite customers and now friend, Carol Tang.