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Help Us Choose Our Winter Box Reviewers!

After a very difficult decision process, below are our five finalists!

Please help us choose our final THREE reviewers! Scroll down to the bottom to vote! Voting closes Friday, November 9, 2018.


From Peyton: "I’m a fifty-year-old mother of one (he just turned 10 on Election Day!) I’m married, I have a Korean rescue cat and an Italian Greyhound, I’m a stay-at-home Mom who is just getting back into job hunt mode, I’m a lawyer, I like to read, and I’ve studied Bellydance for almost 17 years. I love the SB products. They work, and they work quickly. I like how customer service is handled and how available members of the company are to assist customers. I am also a fan of the company ethics and what it stands for. I think I would be a good reviewer because I’m methodical in my skin care application, fairly humorous, and I’m approachable."

Peyton has aging and combination skin and will be on the East Coast during the review period.


From Carol: "Hi! I am 39 this year, I live in hot and humid Singapore and I have skin that is oily combination. I am a mother of an eleven year old girl (who is a monster!) and a teacher by profession. I am shy by nature, but with the right interaction, I do come alive. And oh yes, I was a reviewer for the Spring Box this March, and I can't wait to relive this experience all over again! I want to be a reviewer again for two reasons. Firstly, as someone who goes through a different kind of weather from winter, I can provide feedback for how the products will benefit those who live in hotter and humid areas. I am in love with SB products and also gained so much love from the community, doing this review and giving everyone feedback is one small way I have of giving back to the community. Secondly, my experience with reviewing the Spring Box gave me such a confidence boost that it has helped me a lot in my career as an educator. It has given me the power of knowing that I can stand in front of an audience to deliver what I have to share. It is almost a year, and work has become more challenging because of my better performance, so here I am again, ready to renew my confidence!"

Carol has oily combination skin with large pores, and will be living in Singapore during the review period.


From Jackie: "I'm a 32 year old ER veterinary technician living in northeastern Pennsylvania. I have two cats, I love to eat, read and watch TV, and enjoy spending time outside (even though I don't do it very often). I've been using SB for nearly a year now, and I would love to share my experiences and opinions of products with both new and current members of the community. I've been considering applying to be a box reviewer for the past three seasons, and this time I'm finally finding the courage to do it. I enjoy making review videos, and I'm both excited and a little nervous about the commitment that being a reviewer takes.

Jackie has normal to mildly oily skin that is acne prone and showing early signs of aging. She will be in northwestern PA during the review period.

Brittany Davenport-Jeffcoat

From Brittany: "I am an aspiring beauty blogger and lover of all natural skincare and hair care. I’m also a firm believer in self care. The Fall Box was my introduction to SB and I’m never looking back! I would love to be the SB face to represent the melanin SBs! As a black woman, we always want to know if the products that other races use will work for us as well. I would love to help prove that point to current and future SBs. I believe in everything Sabbatical Beauty! I would be a great reviewer because I have learned so much from being a Fall Box reviewer."

Brittany has oily and acne prone skin and will be living in cold and dry conditions during the review period.


From Deidre: "I'm 36, a Southern girl who's lost her accent--for the most part. I'm an assistant professor of rhetoric and Writing Center coordinator at Virginia Military Institute. Yep, I wear a military uniform and go by "Major Garriott." I'm a super geek. I love all things Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Hunger Games, Harry Potter. I also love skin care and makeup. I hope I have an opportunity to review this box so I can share my passion with you and talk about how weaponized beauty is part of the #Resistance and radical self-care. I want to review SB's winter box because I want the opportunity to engage more with the community and learn more about the products. I've tried a few products, but there's so much more to learn. I think I'm good reviewer because of my commitment to skin care and beauty as radical and political self-care, so I take it seriously to learn how to care for myself and to share what I've learned with others. That's who I am: a helper and protector. If I can make one person find one product that makes their difficult lives a little better because they're taking care of themselves, then I've put good ripples out into the world. I'm also interested in how being a reviewer can and will start a conversation about the products, the ethics of being in this community, and about the hard work we do as women in so many professions."

Deidre has aging and dry skin with some discoloration from imbalanced hormones. She will be living in cold and rainy conditions during the review period.


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