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She's a Sabbatical Beauty: Robin Wharton

Robin is an early user of Sabbatical Beauty and one of our favorite people. <3 
Robin Wharton
Tell us about you!
I am a lecturer in English, specializing in digital and multimodal rhetoric and composition, at Georgia State University in Atlanta. I am mother of two amazingly fierce and creative girls, and before graduate school, I worked as a federal law clerk and an associate in the copyright and trademark group of a large corporate law firm.
What makes you angry?
People who think that, just because they write well, they know how to teach writing. Also, people who think that helping students become better writers necessarily involves teaching them first that they are bad writers who do everything wrong.
What makes you happy?
Keeping things in perspective. I am a feminist woman, and I love my job. Without any regrets, however, I have prioritized my own well-being and that of my family over career success as it is often defined both within and outside of academia. I realize that I am extraordinarily privileged to even have the option to establish my own priorities in this way, and so I work against my natural inclination to worry and fret about the past or the future, so that I can savor joy in the moment. I also try to do my own small part to create communities--in the classroom, in my department, in my neighborhood, in my discipline, etc.--that respect and value the mental and physical health of every member.   
If you were an SB product, which product would you be, and why?
Rose Foaming Cleanser, no question. Because who doesn't want to be soft and mild, and smell like roses?
What’s your desert island SB product, and why?
Blush Beauty Oil. It keeps my skin calm and hydrated, and I'm already hoarding an extra bottle while I hope and pray for its return in a future seasonal collection :)
What is your favorite thing about your skin?
I'm grateful to have skin that isn't sensitive or allergic and that has responded so amazingly well to all of the SB TLC that I give it! I love the lightness of going makeup free in the hot, sticky Atlanta summer.