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She's A Sabbatical Beauty: Aimee Pozorski

The lovely, brilliant Aimee is a bright spark in our community. So thrilled to feature her today!
Aimee Pozorski
Tell us about you!
I am a Green Bay girl; I was born and raised in Wisconsin, and didn’t leave the state until I was 25 in order to set out for my doctoral program in English at Emory University.  There, I met my husband, Jason Jones, who was studying in the same program, and after we both graduated, we moved to New Britain CT to start our lives as English professors at Central CT State University.  Together, we have one son (a 13 yr goal keeper for the New England Revolution Academy) and two dogs (a distinguished boxer named Athena and a goofy spaniel mix named Finn).  We live in a “picture perfect cape” that we nevertheless have been updating for the past 11 years, and reside in a wonderfully mixed neighborhood toward the edge of town.  I am a professor of English and director of English graduate studies at CCSU, a writer, an editor, a gardener, secretary of the neighborhood block watch, and runner.
What makes you angry?
Ingratitude, ignorance, and inflexibility make me angry. Even as I type these words, I realize that these are the three attributes I dislike most in myself.  I went to Catholic grade school in the Green Bay area, and although I always got high grades in my subjects, I got demerits in the category: “works well with others.”  I think collaboration and flexibility in making decisions (what Carol Gilligan called the “Ethics of Care”) are so important in life. It angers me most when people won’t even try.  I hope I am evolving in these areas.  
What makes you happy?
Being outdoors makes me happy;  being active outdoors with the beings I love most makes me beyond happy.  I like to run, bike, garden, walk, hike, swim, kayak.  On the other hand, reading and writing also make me happy.  My grounding three “r”s are skills I have worked a lifetime to build--reading, running, [w]riting--and because of that, doing them well brings me immense joy.  And while I am quite introverted and find significant happiness turning thoughts around in my head, (a fact about me most people doubt,) when I am with my family, I am happiest of all.
If you were an SB product, which product would you be, and why?
If I were an SB product, I would be Bright Eyes, mostly because people say I have bright eyes.  It took me a long time to figure out that when people complimented me on my smile, they were saying something in particular about the look in my eyes--the twinkle of mischief or secret thought or good wish for the person I see.  My eyes also automatically blink open--whether I want them to or not--ready for the day around 4:00 every morning.  My eyes are the first part of me ready to begin every day and the first to start to shut down at night to tell me it is time to sleep.  
What’s your desert island SB product, and why?
My desert island SB product is Dorian Gray anti-aging serum.  As an English major, of course I love the literary name.  I also love mixing it with my sunscreen (another desert island must!) and putting it on my face every morning, knowing that I am equipped for a long day ahead: protected from the sun with a soothed visage and fresh-faced glow.  
What is your favorite thing about your skin?
My favorite thing about my skin is that it literally has my ancestry written on it.  While figuratively speaking, I do not have thick skin at all, literally I have very thick skin. It is my greatest connection to the Polish potato farmers on my father’s side and the French Canadian fisherman on my mother’s side.  When my husband teases me about wanting to be outside at all hours “for no good reason,” I feel as though my bloodline is telling me to get out there, to continue their work with my hands in the open air.  I tolerate heat exceedingly well and do not burn easily in the sun. I am a descendent of hard-working folks through and through. Sometimes that is easy to forget in my climate-controlled office working on a publishing deadline or teaching notes. But I can never forget from where I have come when I look in the mirror and see the thick folds on my forehead, the llnes around my eyes.