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Natalie's Third Week with the Fall Box

Natalie's Third Week with the Fall Box - Sabbatical Beauty

natalie week 3 progress fall box



Skin Type and Location:

Natalie has combo-normal skin with some hormonal acne and lives in Singapore.


General Impressions

Apple Cider serum is incredible! I’ve been using it alongside retinols like Dorian Gray Beauty Oil and Sleeping Beauty (non Fall Box item). It’s usually not encouraged to use acids with retinols but my skin hasn’t fallen off my face, nor does it feel any more sensitive after regular usage.

Changes I’ve seen

My skin continues to get softer, smoother, and a lot less clogged.

AM Routine & PM routine

AM:Aloe & Oat, Botanical Acid Toner (Coming soon!), Pumpkin Spice Latte (Coming soon!), Apple Cider serum (Coming soon!) ,Donkey Cream

PM:Vacuum (if I have makeup on),Aloe & Oat, Botanical Acid Toner (Coming soon!), Pumpkin Spice Latte (Coming soon!), Apple Cider serum (Coming soon!),Dorian Gray Beauty Oil

Any changes I’ve made

I incorporated non-Fall Box items like Radiance and Sleeping Beauty Oil to speed my skin’s healing for a couple of photoshoots on Sunday, but otherwise kept things the same.

Overall thoughts

I think whatever future changes to my skin won’t be seen as quickly as in the first two weeks. My skin however, is so much less inflammed and clogged now it’s pretty astonishing that it’s only been three weeks since i’ve started this regime!


Watch Natalie's 3 Week Fall Box Routine!