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Brittany's Fourth Week with the Fall Box

Brittany's Fourth Week with the Fall Box - Sabbatical Beauty

brittany progress week 4 fall box


Skin Type and Location:

I have oily and acne prone skin with discoloration. I live in South Carolina.


General Impressions

The Fall Box is my introduction to Sabbatical Beauty and it has convinced me that I don’t need to use any other skincare brands.


Changes I’ve seen

I no longer wake up to an oily face. My skin beautifully absorbs all of these products. My skin tone has brightened and is much smoother.


AM Routine & PM routine

AM- Vacuum Cleanser, Botanical Acid Toner,Pumpkin Spice Latte Serum (under eye only),Apple Cider Serum,Dorian Gray’s Beauty Oil,Ekaterina Luxury Cream


PM-Vacuum Cleanser,Aloe & Oat Cleanser, Witches Brew Mask (Wednesdays, Fridays,  and Sundays), Botanical Acid Toner,Pumpkin Spice Latte Serum,Dorian Gray’s Beauty Oil andEkaterina Luxury Cream


Any changes I’ve made

I have added bothPumpkin Spice Latte Serum andEkaterina Luxury Cream to my morning routine. I have also started using Witches’ Brew Mask 3 times a week.


Overall thoughts

I really hope that these products become available year round, because they really work for me. Or if not, I hope that I’m able to purchase the full sizes. I have been using Korean skincare for quite some time now, but Sabbatical Beauty is hands down THE BEST!!!

Watch Brittany's Week Four Fall Box Routine!